Saturday brought on our real adventure! Kate & my nephew, Mikey, were scheduled to get their pictures taken together for my mom's Christmas card. That afternoon we went to visit my sister-in-law at her new house. We got Kate all dolled up for her pictures while we were there but then I had a little freak out because I realized I forgot a bow for the outfit change they were going to have in the pictures. Little did I know, that was about to be the least of my worries. Just as we were about to head out the door I hear a SCREAM & my nephew come running out of his room saying, "Aunt Kim, I think I just hit Kate right in the face." Sure enough, there's screaming little Kate with a cut under her eye. It turns out Kate was mesmerized by her cousin's Wii playing skills that she got a little too close & ended up getting a Wii remote to the face. Ouch. The little cut quickly turned shades of blue, green, and purple and swelled more and more. It was pure chaos from that point on. We calmed Kate down a little & made our way to the picture location but by that point I think I was crying just as much as she was. It hurts to see our little ones hurt. Well, Kate perked up & was fine but looked pretty rough. We went ahead with the pictures & the photographer said she could probably edit the eye. By the end of the session I didn't even care if the eye showed. Taking pictures of 2 two year olds is much easier said than done. Coaxing with M&Ms didn't work, acting like fools didn't work, even Grammy accidentally stepping in dog poo didn't work to make the kids happy. The kids are cute so I'm sure the pictures will be great, but the process was completely exhausting!
After the photo session we took Kate on her first Halloween adventure. Last year she was still too little to take in Halloween & we were at a Tech game so we didn't do much else afterwards. The Halloween carnival was fun but short-lived because Kate (and her parents) were just plain worn out from the day's events. She was still the cutest Dorothy there- puffy, bruised eye and all.
Sunday brought on day 2 of "the eye." It was more bruised and pretty puffy still but I think it just made Kate look cuter. I mean, who doesn't want to just hug and love on a cute little kid that looks so sad?! When it was time to go Trick or Treat Mikey came over to dress up with Kate. He was supposed to be the lion from Wizard of Oz to match little Dorothy. Well, Mikey wasn't too fond of his lion head so he didn't really wear it. The kids were still super cute. Jonathan & I dressed up too. We were a couple from the 50's.
We took the kids to see our family around town. Kate didn't quite understand the concept of Trick or Treat-ing. She didn't understand why people would give her more candy if she was still trying to finish what she had. Silly Kate, at least she isn't greedy! We had a lot of fun and then followed the road all the way home to Lubbock!
So cute!! I'm glad Kate was older than Brooke when she got her first black eye! Brookie was lying on the floor and her uncle khaiden who is 11 months older dropped a sippy full of milk on her likee 5 month old face! Poor babies!