Saturday, April 30, 2011

Houston: Day 4

10:30 am (CST): For many of us our time in Houston is coming to a close. Jonathan, Kate, & myself will be heading up to Ft. Worth this afternoon to spend some time with my family before going on to Lubbock. Daniel & Jessie will also be going back to El Paso today so they can be back together with their little one, Landon. Everyone else, with the exception of Wes, will be leaving tomorrow.
With us leaving this also means that before we leave we will be saying our goodbyes to Gigi. This will inevitably be difficult. Please pray that each of us finds the words we want to say to her and the strength to get through this time. Please pray for safety in our travels as we will be driving home emotional. Please pray for Gigi as well since this will be so hard on her.
We also need much prayer for the days that are to come. Once we get home we will have to resume our "normal" lives but our hearts and minds will be flooded with thoughts and emotions of what is going on with Gigi and the uncertainty of the timeline of the end. It will be hard to function and get all of our necessary things done. For myself & Jonathan, we will be working on getting all of his things turned in so he can graduate on Saturday. The graduation itself will probably be highly emotional considering the situation. I hope that we can still celebrate this big accomplishment in spite of everything else that is going on.
Once the familiy gets back to El Paso there will also be things to deal with like taking care of Matthew and helping him keep some kind of normal routine. The Phillips have also taken in another boy named Dylan. He is 18 and will need to be taken care of as well. He lost his mother a few years ago so this situation is all too real for him & he is having his own struggles. Nicole's kids are also in El Paso and not understanding what is going on with their Gigi. Nicole and Kenta will have to find a way to explain this to them and help them cope with their emotions that will come after that.
I'll keep posting updates as things progress with this. I'm not sure where this journey is headed or how long it will go on. I'll try to keep gathering information from the family on what they have specific prayer requests for. I really can't express enough how much your prayers have helped up to this point. It seems like we won't be getting the healing that we wanted for Gigi but we've still gotten peace and love from God and that's what matters most. God's plan is always best and we are all resting in that knowledge and understanding.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Houston: Day 3

12:00 pm (CST): Sorry my first post of the day is so late. First of all there's not much to update today as of now. Also, I admit I've been sucked in to this Royal Wedding business. I'm a sucker for weddings.
Anyway, from what I've heard Gigi is a little more alert today than she has been since she's been here in Houston. Since we've been here she's been pretty heavily sedated so we haven't really been able to talk to her or interact with her. She's a little more responsive now and apparently last night she was able to write notes of things she was wanting to say. Now, they've decreased her pain medicine and are hoping to take her ventilator out later today. We are still waiting to hear from the doctor to see when the next surgery will be. Pray that we get some answers today & that they are able to try the surgery at some point this afternoon. Us kids want to stay here as long as we need to but we also realize that our normal lives are still going on and at some point we'll need to rejoin that world and catch up on things. It would be great if the surgery could happen today so that we have the weekend to be with Gigi recooping and still have time to travel home.

10:00 pm (CST): Well, things seem to have taken a sad & difficult turn. The outlook doesn't look very good. For this update I'm just going to copy & paste what Wes wrote on facebook because I feel that he explains it best. Please continue to pray for us as the next few days and weeks will be difficult. Please know that your prayers have been working. We wouldn't be where we are today without each of your prayers. The family really does feel peace about all of this and that wouldn't be possible without the grace of God and the prayers that each of you have spoken for us. Thank you so much.
Here's the note from Wes:
We have had a chance to speak with the doctor today and the news is sobering, so grab your box of Kleenex and hold on. I'll skip the details for now and just share that Cindy is a very poor candidate for a liver transplant and the list of medical proceedures to help alleviate the root cause of her difficulty have been exhausted. Bluntly, there is nothing surgical left to do.
We are not ready to close the book on this situation yet. It is a remarkable thing and a miraculous wonder to the staff here that every kind of shunt they do surgically, has already been done inside of Cindy by her own body and the handiwork of God. It is really staggering to listen to the reports of what they have discovered that has happened inside her. Her body still has the ability to respond to some extent, and they will be working the next 2-3 days to find out just how much strength they can add to Cindy and how favorable they can make her situation. There are a few things they can still do with medicine.
That being said, it would seem that adjustments her body has already made are coming to their limits and that Cindy will not survive this situation much longer. The surgeon today asked me not to give up until Monday, as they want to assess what she can do and how her body responds--they still have some things they want to test.
Cindy, our kids and other family members are aware of the situation we are in, and God has allowed us a chance to share among ourselves.  There have been lots of tears, hugs, promises, etc.  and Cindy has been part of this.
Now to some random thoughts and prayer requests.
1) We don't have a timeline, and God may extend this a longer than we expect--we get that, we hope that, and even if not, we don't know if we are talking days, weeks, or months.
2) We are okay--God has already used this in significant ways in our lives and in the lives of many others. It would be almost impossible to make a list of all the ways God has revealed himself to our family and the ministry to others during this time.
3) Cindy has had a chance to speak with nearly all her family members already and say things that she wanted a chance to say. Nicole's kids know she is very sick--but not that she is dying. We want a chance to handle that in our timing, so be careful what you say not only in their presence but also in front of all their friends. Kids do talk to each other, so exercise a little caution here.
4) Cindy has made only one immediate request--that she be given a notebook and a pen--we seriously intend to honor that. (There are some other things if it comes to a funeral--but that is a little premature here.)
5) Everything is still uncertain, and it is very difficult for us to make exact plans at the moment.
Here are some of our responses, plans and further prayer requests:
1) Know that all of this could change in the next day or two or three.  Again, nothing is certain and there have been many twists and turns for us already.
2)  I have encouraged the kids to return to their respective homes on the same schedule they had in mind when they came or sooner--so things can be put in order where they are and they be better prepared to receive whatever news should come their way in the next few days.
3)  If there is nothing further that can be done in Houston, I am asking God and the doctors here to make it possible to get Cindy back to El Paso.  If she must die, I would rather have Cindy in El Paso, I would also much prefer a hospice situation to a hospital--we just don't know how sick she will be when she leaves, or what her situation will look like in El Paso and I know this is selfish from Cindy and myself, but it is important to the two of us. Pray that God will be gracious here if it pleases Him.
4)  I have a personal bias that we should do everything we can to prolong life, but I think it is wrong to extend dying.  Cindy has made it very clear that she does not want to hang on indefinitely because of machines, if it is only going to make her die for a longer period of time.  If there is a chance for quality life, we want it.  If not, we do not.
5)  We have the amazing list of things to do in front of us and we don't even know what it on the list.  We do know that we will have to do a hard thing, and then after that--there will be a hard thing, followed by a hard thing and then later more hard things.  Please be patient with us when we are short tempered, emotional, or just want some alone time--there is quite a lot here.
6)  At some point I have some things I want to share about what it means for God to take us from "here to there"--where ever you are today is your "here"--and you may like it a lot ot not at all.  Somewhere out there is a "there" where God wants you to go.  It is not always easy to get from here to there, but it is important.  I would like a chance to share some of the journey Cindy and I have taken from here to there.
7)  I love Cindy--it's not like you don't know that, but I want it to be known, I love Cindy.  One of my life goals has been a dream that one day I would be on my death-bed looking up to her, or she on hers looking up to me and I could say, "There has never been anyone but you!"  We were married as virgins (I know it isn't your business really) and we have both remained faithful to each other and I wish this was a goal we could plant in the mind of our teenagers.  I am still smitten and thrilled by my companion for the last 33 years.  I will be crushed when she is gone.  I love Cindy.
Finally, at every point of my life. God brings scriptures to help me.  Here are three of my favorites, one of which oddly enough has turned up a lot in the responses back to me--but here they are:  James 1:2-3, 1 Peter 5:6-10 (my favorite) and then this in Romans 5:3-5: And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope; and hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
**I'm sure there will be more later and I usually proofread, but not this time.  I do want to thank you for all you have already done and all I know you will continue to do--for those who have put money into our account we would to thank you, but all we get are dollar amounts, so we have no idea who you are or what you gave, but thank you.  We love you, I expect this will be an emotional night and many emotional days will follow. I need to leave to go back to the hospital to see Cindy. Don't forget, in the words of Cindy Carlene.  "God is good all the time, all the time God is good."  this time included.  Love you, Wes

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Houston: Day 2

9:00 am (CST): Gigi is in surgery. We are trusting that God's hands are doing the surgery, He is just using the doctors. She has the best physician ever working on her. (Thank you Carol Bruntz for that word of encouragement)

10:30 am (CST): Gigi is out of surgery. It wasn't successful; however, there's a next game plan. Basically what's going to happen next is they are going to do the same procedure but in a modified way to fit her body & liver. Apparently the best surgeon for this type of surgery is "coincidentally" in the same hospital at the same time in another surgery right now. As soon as he's done he will go back in and try the modified surgery on her. (The whole "best surgeon" info came from the hospital administration so that's encouraging)
We haven't given up hope. The surgery this morning wasn't what we hoped but it was necessary to help the next procedure. God is working. I said coincidentally in quotes because there's no way this is a coincidence. We are here for a reason. God just rocks. Period. Keep the prayers coming because they are working!

11:30 pm (CST): There isn't much to update tonight but I thought I'd share about our day. For the family today was actually a bit of a break from all the craziness from the last few days. Obviously, the reason for all of us getting together is unfortunate but its nice for all of us to be together nonetheless. We haven't all been together since Jennifer's wedding this past June and even that was a short trip. We spent the afternoon relaxing and having some free time. For dinner we were treated to an amazing meal at Benihana's by Kenta's parents. (Kenta is Nicole's husband- Nicole is my sister-in-law) We all left a few pounds heavier but our stomachs were very happy. After that we had some time to do a Phillips activity that hasn't been done as a whole in years- we went bowling! One of my college roommates got us some free passes to a very nice alley that ended up being just down the road from Benihana's. It was nice to have some fun and get in a little friendly competition. Going bowling is actually one of Gigi's favorite things to do as a family and has been a new tradition that the Phillips family does on Mother's Day. Once we tell her we had some time to get a little game in she will be so happy...and maybe a little jealous.
So, overall, today was really good. If you've ever gone through a situation like ours that's so full of so many different emotions then you understand that its nice to get a break for a while and just be able to enjoy your loved ones. Also, just as everything else has been, God is working to make us all be able to have a good time together and have peace about our situation. We know, and now have seen, that He is in this every step of the way. Because of this trust in Him it is easy to rest in knowing that Gigi is being taken care of and that she would want us to be enjoying each other and be having some fun. 
As for tomorrow, we're hoping the follow up surgery from today's will happen at some point. We aren't sure of what time but I'll post it on here as soon as I know something.

**On a side note: there have been some issues with people trying to deposit money into the account that was set up for the family. The name of the account is under Robert Wesley Phillips or Nicole Matsuda. That may help clear up some issues.
*Also, I had asked for prayer for Jonathan today and him trying to get his school work done. He was able to get some help from his professors today and his new boss also contacted him to put him at ease and answered some questions about starting the new job next week. Both of these things have been a big relief for him. Thank you for those prayers.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Houston: Day 1

First of all, when I wrote my post yesterday I didn't realize it would be spread throughout so quickly! Thank you all for taking the initiative to send it so that we can get as many prayers as we can.

11:00 am (CST) Gigi made it safely last night. Her flight was pretty full of anxiety but all things considered, she did well. They took some time to stabilize her and had her rest through the night before getting her ready for her surgery today. Wes was a little disheartened because they would not let him stay with her through the night.
This morning the doctors have decided to start running their own tests & figure out what they want to do. They have decided to try the TIPS surgery that was tried in El Paso. This doesn't really make much sense to the family but we trust that they know what they are doing.
Last little detail, Gigi is in a room with 4 other people right now. They are hoping to be able to move her later today so we are hopeful that this will happen. With her room having so many other people it will be difficult for us to go in to see her and, more importantly, for her to relax and get some rest. I have also heard that she is currently under restraints because she is feeling discomfort with the tubes and things that are connected to her and has been trying to remove them. Please pray for peace over her and rest so that she will be at ease with all of these things.
Most of the family is now back in Houston but there are one or two more that will be making their way down today so please also keep them in your prayers.

1:00 pm (CST): So today is going to be full of tests and imaging. They want to control her bleeding a little more. They are going to try the surgery that I mentioned before sometime tomorrow. It is the same procedure that was done in El Paso but they have better surgeons and equipment here so they feel it would be best to try that again. Today is about getting their tests done and letting her body recoop a little. This hospital regularly deals with the issues that she has so we are confident that they know what is going on.
On a more personal prayer request; please pray for Jonathan. He had this week off of work already because he is starting a new job next week. This week he was hoping to catch up on his school work and tests because he is graduating next Saturday. Its a blessing that he had this time off but his homework is still piling up and due dates are quickly approaching. Its difficult to catch up and finish all he has to do in the midst of all of this. His professors are being very understanding but this is something that still needs to be resolved.

6:30 pm (CST): There aren't many updates for today which at this point is kind of a good thing. Honestly, its been nice to have a day where there aren't crazy changes happening and stressfull, ever-changing plans happening. The family has had some time to rest and relax and Gigi has been asleep most of the day. Today is really just all about re-cooping her body and preparing for tomorrow.
Gigi has some more tubes and things in her now than when she was in El Paso so its a little intimidating but she still looks great. A lot of what she has going on and plugged in her is to give her body a bit of a break and so they can have better control of her tomorrow.
We are now starting to see why God brought us here. This hospital is highly experienced in this area of medicine and they have spent all day preparing for tomorrow. They have run CT scans and various things to basically make a game plan for what will be best for tomorrow. We feel very confident in their plans. We are also being very well taken care of here. We are getting everything we need and then some! People are so great to us and I know its because Wes & Cindy have been so great to so many people for so many years.
Thank you to all of you for everything. That sounds so understated for all that is happening but on behalf of all of us, thank you.

10:00 pm (CST): Gigi is scheduled to have her TIPS surgery at 7:30 in the morning. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors, peace for the family, and strength and healing for Gigi. Pray that this surgery is successful so that she can start to heal so that she can go back home.
*A bank account has been set up for the family to cover various expenses. It is set up at Wells Fargo under Robert Wesley Phillips or Nicole Matsuda. The number is 1534210917.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Another Change Has Come...

Well my last post was about all the great things that were coming up in our life right now and life being as crazy as it is has taken another turn. Everything is still in line with Jonathan's job and things with us are still looking up but our family has a new crisis at hand. This past Saturday afternoon Jonathan's mom, Cindy- or Gigi as we call her, started throwing up blood out of nowhere. She was taken to the ER expecting to find a stomach ulcer or something. The doctors had a hard time figuring out what was wrong with her but thought she was going to be fine. They wanted to keep her overnight to keep her hydrated and monitor that she was ok. Late that night things got bad. Her blood pressure dropped super low and they discovered that her liver was in really bad shape. They decided to do a surgery Sunday morning, which was also Easter Sunday, that would help ease the functioning of the liver. At that time they told us that if that surgery didn't work they were going to be out of options. Jonathan, Kate, & I had gone to church in Lubbock as planned but then got a call during the service saying that the surgery didn't work and we needed to get to El Paso as soon as possible to possibly say our goodbyes. Needless to say, we left in a frenzy and had an emotional 9+ hour drive.
When we got to El Paso we were able to visit with Gigi and meet up with the rest of the family. At that point the doctors were saying her best option was to get a liver transplant. Livers are apparently very difficult to come by & find an exact match. Later in the evening we were told that Gigi would be moved to Dallas or Houston to get a surgery that would buy her some time to find a liver. Everything was still in limbo & emotions were running high. Fortunately, all of the family was able to get to El Paso to be together with few complications. We were all spread out across Arkansas, Lubbock, & San Antonio on Sunday morning and by that night we were all together in El Paso.
The next morning (Monday) we were told Gigi was going to be moved to Dallas for sure to get the procedure. The family loaded up and drove in caravan style towards Dallas. By the time we were about an hour and a half outside of El Paso we were told that plans were changed and she wouldn't be moved to Dallas that day because the hospital was full. We made our way to Odessa where we have lots of family and we spent the night and waited to get the next move. Later that night, insurance complications arose with the flight that was supposed to take Gigi to Dallas. Everything was given the go-ahead and we made plans to leave in the morning to make the rest of the trip to Dallas.
Now we're at Tuesday morning. We get ready & just as we pull out of Odessa we get a call that the plans changed again. We turn around and wait for what ends up being about 4 hours until we finally learn that Gigi is going to be moved to Houston. In that 4 hours it was pure chaos. We had plans set in Dallas for where we were going to stay and people to keep the babies for us and everything. Wes, Jonathan's dad, was getting the run around from the insurance company, hospitals, and doctors. It was instanity trying to figure out where Gigi would go and what was going to happen and everything. We are now on the road to Houston but we have no plans once we get there. We have no idea where we are staying or for how long. No one can really afford to pay for hotel rooms for the large group and we are unsure how long we'll need to stay. Its chaos but God is bigger than all of our chaos. Everything will work out. God has us in Houston for a reason, we just don't know it yet.
When I have some more time I'll write a little more details of the personal things that have been going on and the lessons I've learned and the things I want to keep in my heart. However for now I just ask for prayer. Here's the immediate needs: (I'll update in this post or in newer ones as things progress.)
*Health & strength for Gigi to make it through the long flight & the surgery that will immediatley follow her arrival
*A liver for the transplant
*Safety for all the family who is currently on the move to Houston
*A place for about 20 people to stay
*Peace & calmness over our spirits
*Wisdom to make the right decisions in the days to come
*Our finances- the expense of getting to El Paso & all around & eventually to Houston is quickly adding up
*That we can keep faith and trust in God's plan for us and for Gigi
*Praise God for who Gigi is and that even in the midst of the scariest time of her life she is still resting in Him & knowing that He is taking care of her.

Thank you for your love and prayers. Feel free to pass on my blog to others who are wanting to know the details of what is going on in this situation. I will try to update as much as possible but realize that everything is very busy and ever-changing so it is difficult to check in with everything that happens.

***Update as of 9:00 central time:
1. Gigi is in the air on her way to Houston. We need prayers for safe travels & that her body will stay strong.
2. We have found a place to stay. God truly sends angels here on Earth!
3. The only need we have as of now is for meals once we are at the hospital. Many have asked how they can help & this is something that is small but will make a big difference for us.
4. We are currently in San Antonio and about to make the rest of the trip to Houston. Pray for safe travels the rest of the way.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Change is Gonna Come

Well, it looks like a new chapter is starting in our family! We're very excited; however I should probably say upfront that its NOT that I'm pregnant! Jonathan's graduation is just weeks away and after some events in the last couple of weeks he will also be starting a new job along with achieving his bachelors degree. Everything has happened so quickly in the past few weeks to bring about this new career opportunity; however, it has been in the works for years. Its just awesome when you see God's plan come together and realize that He has been taking care of you all along!
So, basically, Jonathan will start working at an auditing & accounting firm here in Lubbock. What a thought- him actually working in the town we live in! For that alone, I'm excited! About a month ago he decided to send out resumes to accounting firms just in case there was an opening in the next few months. It turned out that this company, that was already his top choice, had just started taking resumes to fill a position in the office. The job seemed like it would be great but we just took everything a step at a time to make sure it was right for us. A few weeks later, Jonathan had an interview and then days after that he got a call & they offered him the job! I can't even begin to express how proud I am of Jonathan and how grateful I am to the Lord for this huge blessing. Jonathan has worked so hard for years, he's taken different jobs in hopes that they would give him experience to get to where he wanted to be some day, he pushed through school when life got crazy, and through all of that he has still been a loving and supporting husband and daddy. He deserves this job, this start to his career. There have been so many times that we both have been unsure of our future and where God was going to take us. We hoped he had made the right decisions in the jobs he had taken. Now, it has become evident that every little job he had in the past has helped give him the knowledge and experience he needed to earn this new position. There is still work to be done and Jonathan will be in grad school and working towards getting is CPA certification but at least reaching this point means a big hurdle has finally been jumped. As soon as Jonathan got the phone call with the job offer it seemed as if a weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. He deserves a break. A few months ago someone was talking about how she didn't know anyone who is able to get married at a young age, go to college, work a full time job, have a family, and graduate; I smiled and said, "Have you met my husband?" It seems like an impossible feat, and maybe a little foolish, but Jonathan accomplished all of those things and can now breathe a big sigh of relief.
It may seem like I'm overly excited about this new job but to me it really marks the beginning of a new phase of our life. For so long we have made sacrifices and had tough times but now I know we will have a bit more security. Like I said earlier, I'm just excited to have my husband working in the same town we live in. It will be nice to have dinner at a normal time and still have the majority of the evening to hang out. This new job will also help us be able to save and actively work on buying our first home. Jonathan thinks its crazy but my parents live in the same house that they moved into after they were married. Its the house me and my sisters came home to when we were born and moved out of when we left for college and got married. I really desire to have a home that we can call our own, that Kate can spend the majority of her youth in, and soon enough bring another little one in to!
So that concludes our big & exciting news. To all of our friends and family who helped us get to this point in our life I thank you. We couldn't have reached this milestone without your love, support, guidance, advice, encouragement, and help. We love you all dearly. To Jonathan- I'm so incredibly proud of you. You fascinate me more and more every day. You are an inspiration and you make me want to be a better person. You deserve great things and I know this is just one of many more great things you have coming your way. I like you so much....p.s. I love you!

I have to add in this picture. We were shopping a few weeks ago & Jonathan saw this mug & got really excited & had to get it. Kate & I tease him that he's a nerd and this mug confirms it; he really does love spread sheets, Microsoft Excel is his best friend. After he got the job offer he looked at me and said, "I really am an official nerd now. I'm an accountant." I told him I wouldn't argue with that statement! ;)

p.s. The title of this post is the name of an old song by Sam Cooke. I thought it was an appropriate title for all the changes that are going to come for our family. The song is amazing and very moving (especially when you consider it was written during the Civil Rights Movement). If you aren't familiar with the song look it up. Its worth a listen, however be sure you get Sam's version because his voice is so moving.