Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Hello Blog World!

Well I've finally taken the plunge and joined the world of blogging! A few different things led me to start blogging. First, I have friends who blog and I love reading them. I like to read what their inner thoughts are and keep up with the events in their lives. I like that technology has helped us be able to stay connected when events in life keep us so busy. Secondly, I started this blog so that I have an outlet to share my own thoughts and ramblings when I feel the need. I am a stay-at-home mom and while it is so rewarding and I love it, there are times when I need to take some time to myself and feel like I am talking to someone who is older than two years old. Similarly, life with a (almost) two year old is so fun, crazy, fast-paced, always changing, etc. I think it will be fun to document the little happenings of my "Baby Kate" and look back on our adventures together. And for my last reason to join the blog world, I have discovered in the past few weeks and months that there are so many fun & helpful blogs! I have spent some of my free time (aka the time when Kate is taking her little cat naps) looking at different blogs and finding inspiration for all sorts of things. I've been trying to keep track of all of them but have failed at it so I figured I might as well start my own blog to help me keep up with their latest and maybe even share them with my followers! (That is assuming that someone actually reads this!)

To end my first official post I'll explain my blog title. Three Twenty-three is my birthday but has so much more meaning to me than that alone. My birthday has always been extra special to me because I share it with my grandpa, Papa Chuy. When I was younger I would call Papa Chuy and remind him that "3-23" was coming up and then once the day arrived we would exchange happy birthdays. Sadly, Papa Chuy passed away two years ago, just before I gave birth to Kate, so now anytime I see a 3-23 it means so much more to me. As if these three numbers weren't special enough already, God blessed me and gave me another reason to love this combination of numbers. As I mentioned before, Papa Chuy passed away while I was pregnant with Kate. When I was getting closer to my due date I was so excited but part of me was so sad that my Papa Chuy wasn't going to be there to help us welcome our new little girl. I prayed that we would somehow be reminded of him when Kate was born and God, being perfect in all of His ways, had me deliver Kate right at 3:23 pm. I knew at that moment that God always has a way of being there for us right when we need Him, that Papa Chuy was there to welcome Kate in spirit, and that this new baby that I was holding was a bigger blessing than I ever could have imagined. So here it is, my new blog: Three Twenty Three.

p.s. I should probably give credit to my husband, Jonathan. He is the one who made me realize that this was the perfect blog name for me! Thanks, Chops!


  1. I'm glad you are going to blog Kim! I don't write on mine terribly often but it is a nice outlet when I need it. I'm glad you told about the title of your blog, that is a beautiful story and should definitely be shared. Have fun blogging, I will read it when I can!

  2. I heart your blog and you!!! Great title.

  3. I'm glad to find your blog, friend. Can't wait to read more!

