Monday, October 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Chops!

Yikes! Its been 2 months since my last blog post! Our Fall is off and running and its been so busy that I haven't given this blog any attention. I'm not complaining though, this time last year I was bored out of my mind with no friends because we were still new to Lubbock and didn't really know anyone or have anything to do. Kate and I are now busy little bees with church activities, story times, and playgroups. Jonathan is doing well and getting into his busy season at work. I'm involved with two different Bible Study groups that have been awesome, inspiring, and life changing! God is definitely working in our family and I'm excited to see what He as in store for us as we learn to become more obedient to Him.
Anyway, I decided today was a great day to catch up on the blog because today is a special day, its Jonathan's birthday!!! I love celebrating birthdays. Its one day that is all about the birthday girl/boy and its just a day to make you feel special. Jonathan isn't so big on birthdays; he just thinks its another day. I think I've changed his mind a little since we've been married; however, maybe he just goes along with my sillyness to amuse me. Well, whether he likes it or not here's my birthday celebration in the form of a blog post in honor of the birthday boy!
Jonathan's birthday this year is more special to me than years in the past because I keep thinking how close he came to not being able to celebrate another birthday back in May when he got in his motorcyle accident. This past year has taught me how quickly and suddenly life can change and that each day and year really is a blessing. I've also learned that Jonathan's life really is a blessing because it was a miracle that his mom got pregnant with him and was able to give birth to a healthy baby. Let me explain. As Jonathan's mom got sick and we learned more about her liver condition I learned about her past problems with it and what she faced over 28 years ago. All those years ago she faced losing her life because of her liver problems. At that point doctors told her she would not be able to have any more kids or perhaps that she shouldn't. God allowed her body to function and two years later she gave birth to Jonathan, and three years after that to Jennifer. So Jonathan, and Jennifer, are truly miracles and proof that God is powerful and able to do great works.
Jonathan's life has been full of adventure since the day he was born. The evening that he was born there was a "T-word" in Odessa. (For those of you who really know me you know that I hate the real word that "T-word" stands for so I can't say- or type- it. Its too scary for me. But to fill you in, it stands for those big storms that swirl around in a cylindrical shape....eeek! I hate even thinking about it! Moving on!!) He shares a birthday with Evil Knievel so maybe he was destined for crazy stunt attempts and death defying behavior. When he was 2 he had an asthma attack that made his heart stop and his pediatrician had to do CPR in her office to save his life. I'm told he was an ornery little child and was always up to something. He's broken just about every bone that is possible to break in his body. He was in a bad car accident his Freshman year at UTEP that landed him in a coma, the next year he had heart surgery. A month later he was in for a real adventure when he met me! Haha! Then, of course, there was his accident in May. When I married in to the family I was told its always an adventure as a Phillips; perhaps that's even more so if you are named Jonathan Phillips!
Along with Jonathan's crazy adventures there's his softer side. I've heard the stories, as I mentioned before, of him being mischievous but I've also heard stories of what a sweet boy he was. He would always do sweet things for his mom, stick up for his sisters- even if it meant putting up a fight with older guys, help older ladies in the church do things around the house, and so on. Jonathan has apparently always been a charmer. He could charm his way out of trouble and make all the ladies swoon over his little smile. His charm is what first attracted me to him.
Jonathan has always been talented in just about everything he tries. I joke with him that I'm jealous of him because he has a million talents and I have none. He brags that by the time he was two he could say the Pledge of Allegiance. He had a gift of singing when he was younger. He was approached to be in a Boys Choir in early elementary years but turned it town so that he could stay home and be a normal kid. When he picked up drumming in junior high he immediately excelled in it. (This is also when he got his nickname "Chops.") He still drums a little today but I think I have hindered that talent a bit since I rarely let him take his drum set out of their cases. (However, they are set up in the garage right now!) He is, hands down, one of the smartest people I know. His knowledge is often unseen by most but once it is discovered it really is remarkable. His knowledge is also very random; he can tell you just about any football stat then jump to a random song lyric then nerd out about taxes then tell some historical story then move on to a Biblical reference. He's also very witty; most people misunderstand his humor but once you get to know him you can see that he has a pretty funny, and sarcastic, personality.
Most of all, Jonathan is a very passionate person. If he has a desire in his heart, a point he wants to argue, or a goal he wants to achieve he gives it everything he has. That quality is one of the things I love most about him. If it wasn't for his passion I don't think our little family would be where we are today. His passion drives his desire to support us, provide for us, and love us through the good times and bad. His passion makes him a great friend. If you are able to crack open Jonathan's heart and become a true friend then you will be friends for life. I'm so grateful and humbled that he considers me his best friend and I'm so blessed that he is my best friend as well.
I could go on about all that I love about Jonathan and tell about who he is but I'm sure he is already saying "Oh Kimi" so I'll stop. I'm so grateful for this birthday that we get to celebrate and I'm so thankful to God for the life he has given Jonathan and how He has blessed him over the last 26 years. It is a true honor to be his wife and I'm excited to continue on this adventure as a Phillips...especially as Mrs. Jonathan Phillips.
I love you so much, Chops! Happy Birthday!

Now then, after all the sweetness, here's a little birthday fun (or maybe embarassment!). Here's some pictures of Jonathan through the years! :)

Sweet little blonde baby!
This picture SO shows his personality. Being silly, center of attention, up to some trouble.

He loves his Momma. This is one of my favorite pictures of him as a kid.

He still loves his Momma! This was on our wedding day.

His "boys"

I think this was taken just before we met.

Its too bad he doesn't look like his daughter at all! (yeah right!)

The mug says it all. He's a nerd.

Graduation Day! May 2011

p.s. Its now 1 month til Kate's 3rd birthday! 3??? Can you believe it?!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Kate's Good Girl Jars

Friday night Kate went out on a date with her daddy and I'm so proud of her. A few weeks ago I came across this post on a blog I follow and I thought it was such a good idea and I wanted to start it at our house. Basically, we have started a little jar system to reward Kate in small ways for her good behavior on a daily basis. I feel like in the "terrible two's" stage I'm constantly saying no and getting on to her so I wanted to find a way to encourage her good behavior and put some positive reinforcement in her. (I guess my degree in Human Development and Family Sciences is kicking in a little! Haha!)
The way our jar system works is there are six different jars each with different little odds & ends in them and each jar represents something different. I adjusted her jars a bit from the original post to fit her needs a little better; hers are for helping clean, going to bed well & having a good night, brushing her teeth (without a fight), going to the potty, eating all of her food, and one for just an overall good job at something.

As she does each thing she takes the object from the jar and puts it in a larger jar to be filled up. Once the big jar is filled she gets to go pick out a new toy at Target. I also liked the idea from the original post that to encourage her along the way she gets things at different levels. The first level is an ice cream date with Daddy, the second is a trip to the candy store, and the third is making cupcakes with Mommy.
I was afraid when I started this that she might be a bit too young to understand the concept of this but she has really caught on quickly. She gets excited about putting things in her jar and she's starting to understand consequences if she doesn't do things. For example, she's really bad about her eating habits these days so I tell her if she eats all of her food she gets a pink ball in her jar; when she doesn't finish and doesn't get a ball she gets sad so (sometimes) she'll try to finish her food so that she can fill her jar. Its really working out great & we're having fun with it. I'm really glad that we now spend lots of time highlighting good behavior rather than always focusing on her bad behavior!

Putting together the jars was simple & cheap; a bonus to this great idea! I found all of the things I needed for them at Hobby Lobby 50% off, had scrapbooking paper scraps to cover the lids, and used my Cricut to make the images for the top of the jars. I put them all together using my trusty ol' Modpodge. To mark the rewards along the way of filling up the big jar I used stickers to represent ice cream, candy, & a cupcake. So easy & so cute!


So back to Friday night, Kate & Jonathan went to Marble Slab for their date. All day Kate was talking about her date & getting excited for it. As soon as she woke up from her nap she asked to get dressed. She requested her "pretty dress" and "pigs" in her hair. I gladly obliged and let her wear an ice cream date appropriate dress & put pigtails in her hair. Jonathan said they had a lot of fun. She was a hit and loving all of the attention she was getting. She got her pink ice cream (also known as strawberry) and even got to add some sprinkles to it! Kate also tested her photo taking skills too; she took the picture of Jonathan above. They had a blast & she came home so excited. I'm glad that they were able to have some time with just the two of them. The picture below is once they were back home telling me about their date & being so sweet with each other. Daddy taking Kate for ice cream definitely made him the favorite for the night!
I'm so proud of the progress my "good girl" is making! Before you know it I'll be posting about our trip to Target for her new toy!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Remembering Papa Chuy

Today marks 3 years since my Papa Chuy left to meet Jesus. People say time heals all wounds but I don't know if that will ever hold true in this case. I still miss my Papa Chuy and I still hurt over is passing. I know I should rejoice that he is with the Lord and he is in a much better place but I can't help but selfishly want him here. Papa Chuy and I were connected in a unique way and I will never have a bond like that with anyone else. I believe that a little part of my soul also died on August 9, 2008. As some of you know, if you read my first post, Papa Chuy and I shared a birthday so we were tied together since the day I was born and I believe we stayed that way until the moment he died.
Let me go back 3 years ago to August 2008. Papa Chuy, Nana, my older sister Belissa, and my cousin Cami went on vacation to Miami for a few days. I wanted to join them so badly, especially since my 1st anniversary was days away and that's where Jonathan and I took our honeymoon, but since I was pregnant they were afraid to take me along. While they were on their vacation my little sister who was pregnant with my nephew, Mikey, found out she was going to be induced. She was induced late in the evening of August 5, which was also Nana & Papa Chuy's 52nd anniversary, while the vacationers made their way home. Jonathan & I had also come in to town for Mikey's arrival earlier that afternoon. Andie's labor progressed through the morning of Wednesday, August 6th while my grandparents, sister, & cousin drove in from Van Horn. Mikey was born at 2:14 pm. We were all so excited for his arrival and we were glad that we were all able to be there together to celebrate as a family. We spent the afternoon hearing all about the trip to Miami, laughing together, and taking turns checking out the new baby. Life was good and we were happy to experience the blessing of a new life. I remember sitting outside of the nursery windows watching the nurses give Mikey his bath and talking with Nana and Papa Chuy about my little one on the way. They were so overwhelmed by the idea that they would get to have 2 great-grandchildren within a few months of each other. Papa Chuy is probably the proudest grandpa I've ever seen. He would talk to anyone and everyone about his 4 granddaughters and he was so excited to have new little ones on the way to brag about.
Later that evening Nana, Papa Chuy, and Cami got ready to leave town and I told them the next time I'd see them was when I was in the hospital to give birth to Kate. Little did I know that I'd be back in that very hospital in a matter of hours for what turned out to be the absolute worst night of my life.
Around 10:30 pm we got a call from my uncle that there was an accident in Pecos, halfway between Odessa & El Paso, and that Papa Chuy was being airlifted back to Odessa. Nana had minor injuries and was taken to the Pecos hospital and Cami was ok. It turns out that they were exiting Pecos to get some dinner and when they were at a stop sign & starting to go straight a semi truck came over the overpass with its lights off and hit the drivers side straight on. In the past I was never even able to think about the idea of Papa Chuy passing away. I knew that it was irrational to think he would live forever but I just couldn't imagine life without him so I would just never think about it. The possibility of that moment was clearly upon me as we waited in the Emergency Room for the helicopter to bring him in. I was freaking out. I was only 26 weeks along in my pregnancy so I knew I had to take care of myself but my emotions were out of control. I remember looking at Jonathan and asking him if this was it and him just squeezing my hand and saying, "I don't know Kim. Its gonna be ok though." Jonathan was my rock that night. The time between knowing he was in the hospital and when we were able to talk to a doctor seemed like eternity. When we finally did get to talk to a doctor my world stopped. He told us that Papa Chuy's head was filling with blood and his brain injuries were too far gone. He was unconcious but everything else on his body was functioning fine. He told us we had anywhere from a few hours to a few days til he was gone. My worst fear was upon me, the thing I never wanted to think about was there and nothing could stop it. I was crying out of control. I couldn't sit up. I started getting really strong contractions because my emotions were so out of control. After a little while a team of nurses came in the little waiting room we were put in and they tried to calm me down. They warned me that I could cause myself to go into early labor if I didn't calm down; since I was only 26 weeks that would be highly dangerous for the viability of the baby.
I remember going to see Papa Chuy for the first time. He looked completely normal; there were no cuts, bruises, or anything on him. Everything looked just like normal except mentally he was gone. Our chance to say goodbye was gone. We would never hear his voice again, never hear him laugh or tell a joke, never get another hug. I so badly wanted to just wake him up and make all of this go away but I couldn't. I wanted to crawl up in his lap like I did all the time even up to that very afternoon but I couldn't. My Papa Chuy was gone even though his body was still there.
Within a few hours he was moved into ICU. I stayed there all night because I just didn't want to leave him. We really thought he wouldn't make it through the night and I wanted to be there when he passed. He made it through the night and I finally went back to my mom's around 6 am to get some rest. By 8 am or so word about the accident was spreading and the phones were ringing nonstop. I had to stop being the one to answer the phones and tell the story because my pregnancy hormones were going crazy again. People kept saying that it was possible for him to come out of it if we just had faith but I knew that all the faith in the world really couldn't do anything to save him. I don't mean to sound like I don't believe in the big miracles that God can perform but I just know that in this case it was just too far gone. If it were up to my plan I would give Papa Chuy the miraculous healing but it wasn't up to me, God had other plans and I had to accept that.
Later that day we started to get visitors from all over coming to see Papa Chuy. Most of his brothers and sisters made it in to be able to see him and a lot of friends came in from Van Horn and El Paso as well. We were obviously heartbroken by the situation but it was so inspiring to see how many people loved and cared for my Papa Chuy. I know that it was a testament to how he lived his life that so many people came to pay their respects before he passed. Thursday and Friday was spent at the hospital taking in visitors, sitting in the room with Papa Chuy, and hearing reports from the doctors. For a while it looked like the rest of his body was hanging on and doing well except his brain was still fading. Friday night Jonathan and I went home to Plainview to get more clothes and get ready to stay either in Odessa until he passed or in Van Horn for some time around the funeral.
I can still picture my last moment with Papa Chuy in his room. I remember just holding his hand and not wanting to let go. I always loved his hands for some reason. They were small but strong, they were rough which showed me he was a hard worker, but they were clean, they usually smelled like something he was eating or cooking at the restaurant, they were chubby little hands but they were perfect. His hands were always warm and in that moment they were still warm but were getting colder. Ever since I had gotten pregnant I had pictured him holding my little baby but since that wasn't going to happen I just put his hand on my belly and told him to be sure to look down on us on the day Kate was going to be born. His breathing was loud through his breathing tube and I remembered all the times I stayed at his house and giggled with my sisters about how loud he snored in the room next to us. Once it was time to go I kissed him on the cheek like I did every time I saw him. He always made sure I gave him a good kiss on the cheek; if I didn't do it good enough he'd grumble and tell me to try again. I walked out of his little room knowing that would be the last time I'd ever see him alive. It took everything I had to walk out of that room and walk out with strength.
Saturday, August 9 I just knew something was going to happen. I could hardly get myself going. I was packing to leave and I remember sobbing in my closet because I had nothing to wear to a funeral- especially with my pregnant belly. I had never had to dress for a family funeral before. I was angry that I had to go to a funeral. I didn't want to think about going to my grandparents house and Papa Chuy not being there. Every night when he got home from the restaurant I would take off his shoes and put on his house shoes. I wanted to be able to do that again but knew I couldn't. I have those house shoes sitting on a shelf in my house today. I finally got myself together and got ready to leave. There was something that happened to me that day that I guess I'll never really know if it was coincidental or something more spiritual but it is my most vivid memory of that day. While I was sitting down putting my make-up on I was all of a sudden overcome with this strange feeling like the wind was sucked out of me; I had a hard time breathing, I was really nauseous, dizzy, & just feeling strange. After a few minutes the feeling passed and I was back to normal. That happened around 11 am. Once we were on the road back to Odessa, around 3:00, we were sitting in the car and the same thing happened again. Every sensation that happened earlier happened again in the same way. About 30 minutes later my mom called and told us that Papa Chuy passed away. She said they turned off the machines around 11 and he died around 3. I don't know if we really were tied in some way spiritually or if it was coincidence but on Saturday, August 9, 2008, a part of my heart died along with the most influential man in my life.
The days that followed were very emotional. Jonathan and I had our first anniversary two days later; it definitely wasn't what we expected it would be on the day we got married but in a way it was perfect. Jonathan was amazing throughout the whole process. He loved Papa Chuy so much and admired him almost as much as I did. Jonathan's wedding band is Papa Chuy's original wedding band. I told him when we were dating that I always wanted to find a man that was like my Papa Chuy and he would have big shoes to fill. I think that became more real to him as he really saw how much he meant to me. I do believe that in many ways Jonathan is like Papa Chuy and it makes me love him so much more. That also makes me believe we are perfect together because I'm a lot like my Nana.
As we prepared for his funeral I was, again, overwhelmed by the outpouring of love from people all over whose lives had been touched by Papa Chuy. His restaurant had been open for almost 50 years at that point so the people who have known him from there alone was in the hundreds if not thousands. He and Nana have always been active in the community of Van Horn so there was people from years back up to the present who respected him. Following the funeral we got so many cards with people giving accounts of how Papa Chuy touched their lives and how much they admired him. His buddy, John Madden, even called to give his condolences to Nana. We had to have his funeral in the high school auditorium because the churches in town were too small to hold the number of people who wanted to attend his services. The flower arragements people sent were amazing. The stage was full of plants & flowers and blue & silver ribbons were tied on just about all of them because everyone knew how much of a Dallas Cowboys fan he was. I was incredibly torn up during the service but deep down I knew that it was ok because someday I will be reunited with Papa Chuy again.
Life hasn't been the same since Papa Chuy has been gone. Nana literally lost her other half. They had been married for 52 years and had run the restaurant together for almost 50 years. Their everyday life involved each other all day long. Nana told me her side of the story of the accident while we stayed with her after the funeral. She said that when the truck hit them Papa Chuy's glasses were hit off of his face so he couldn't really see. He was fumbling around for them and calling out for Nana. She said he kept saying her name and asking if she was ok. She told him she was fine and to rest and that help was on its way. After she reassured him that she was alright he closed his eyes and went unconcious. His last words were her name. He waited to make sure she was taken care of before he went on. That is so incredibly romantic to me and yet so fitting for their relationship. Once he was gone Nana didn't know how to go on about her everyday life. Papa Chuy still used to pump her gas so she didn't even know how to do that on her own; that may sound weird but I think that is so sweet. She still visits his grave everyday; she sits on a bench they put in years ago and she talks to him. Their love story is amazing. Everything they did, they did together. The life they built was theirs as a team that they built with each other. One of the reasons I agreed to marry Jonathan so young is because I wanted to build our life together; I didn't want to have to separate lives to join together once we were established on our own. I wanted to establish our life together, supporting each other along the way; Nana and Papa Chuy and how they lived was a big influence on me in that aspect.
Papa Chuy was loving, loyal, honest, faithful, funny, strong, supportive, an avid football fan, smart, friendly, welcoming, respectful, onry, proud yet humble, generous, grateful, caring, hard working, smitten with his wife, successful, and so much more. He was a man of God, an amazing husband, father, brother, uncle, cousin, and especially a great grandpa. He did everything he could for his family. He was sure to tell you that all of his success was a blessing from God.
I miss Papa Chuy every single day. I think about him during milestone moments and hope that his presence is somehow there. I think about him, and always will, on March 23- our birthday. I wish he was still here when I need to hear encouraging words; if I was ever feeling down he would reassure me and somehow always knew what to say. I miss sitting in his lap. I miss dancing with him; he was so suave and the best dancer (sorry Jonathan!). There are songs that will forever make me think of him. I miss his laugh. I miss seeing he & Nana bicker and then him try to chase her down for a kiss. If I ever have a son his initials will be J.A. in honor of his name, Jesus Alberto.
I am grateful for the morals he instilled in me and the influence he was and continues to be in my life. I was blessed to be his granddaughter. He taught me how to love a spouse, love your family, and how to be strong in faith. I love my Papa Chuy and I will wait for the day that I get to see him again.

 One of my favorite things as a kid, and in to my adult years, was sitting by Papa Chuy's pool & having him bring us food. This picture was taken the last time I did that at his house with him.

Nana, Papa Chuy, & Mikey the day Mikey was born- the day of the accident.

Papa Chuy & I on our birthday...I think I was turning 3 or 4.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summer Re-Cap

Wow, its been quite a while since my last post! There hasn't been too much going on since my last post but after considering the Spring we had I'm glad to have a bunch of "nothing" going on.
Jonathan is back in full swing at work. He's been traveling off and on doing audits. To me it sounds like a lot of boring madness but to him its fun & he's loving it. He is still healing up nicely. We are so fortunate to not have run into any bumps in the road during the recovery from his accident. His hair is growing back & this week he was even able to start fixing it a little!
Kate & I have gotten into our own little routine for the summer. Tuesdays we go to a play group at church, Wednesdays we go to story time at Barnes & Noble, and all the other days of the week we find something to do or friends to hang out with. We spent some time in Odessa with my parents while Jonathan traveled for work. Kate loved getting spoiled by her grandparents and causing mischief with her cousin/pal, Mikey. My parents have a new addition to their house just for the grandkids- a swimming pool! The kids love splashing around and swimming until they are worn out.

 This was while the pool was still being filled. The kids got to get in & run around. They also thought it was hilarious to run & splash Grammy with the freezing water!

Post swimming activity: eating ice cream!

My own poolside look! I'm usually not a hat wearer but my Nana gave me some of her old sun hats so I'm giving them a try!

Our July 4th weekend was a lot of fun. We met up with a bunch of Jonathan's family and some friends in Odessa and had a mini-reunion. It was nice for that side of the family to get together and just have fun after all the madness of the Spring and early Summer. We also had just found out that Jonathan's little sister, Jennifer is pregnant! It looks like the Phillips family will be growing in February. :)
Here's a few pictures from our weekend:

Silly Kate. She got pretty brave up on the ladder.
I guess her daddy makes a better floatation device than her vest. :)

Kate loves her cousin, Kohl. 

When you have 19 people in a pool you know you are having fun!

 Lots of jumping going on....and a little relaxing.

Apparently both of Kate's parents make
good floatation devices.


Nicole & her girls; both on the left & right. I love my sister in laws! They are really more than family, they are some of my closest friends!

After all the fun we had July 4th Weekend we had to continue on with the fun back home. I heard that Chick-fil-a was hosting National Cow Appreciation Day at all of their locations; basically if you dress up like a cow you get a free meal! Since its one of mine & Kate's favorite places I figured we might as well take them up on the free food & have some fun while we are at it! Kate really liked the idea of dressing up like a cow; however, Jonathan wasn't so easily convinced. I'm pretty sure he thought I had lost my mind when I told him we were all gonna dress up like cows & go eat dinner. I was having a hard time convincing him to take part in the fun so I used my secret weapon: Kate. She looked at him & said, "Daddy dress up like a cow? Peeeeeeease?!" And that was it! He was in & my cow costume making was on!
The afternoon of Cow Appreciation Day I put Kate down for her nap and started painting old t-shirts with cow print & printed off some cow ears. All day long Kate was talking about dressing like a cow and saying Mooo! She was super excited when she woke up and there was cow clothes all over the living room floor. Once Jonathan got home he joined in our fun, even though I think he still thought we were a little crazy, and we headed off to Chick-fil-A!
When we got to the restaurant Jonathan & I both started panicking a little because we couldn't see anyone else in cow attire. Everyone walking out of the restaurant was in normal clothes & we started to think we were about to look like a family of crazies. We decided we'd just go in & bear it & enjoy our free food either way. Much to our relief, as soon as we opened the door there were lots of "herds" of cows all around & we fit right in! It was fun, and a little odd, to walk up to the counter & order food for our whole family and not have to pay a thing! We really had a lot of fun & I think Kate enjoyed being a little cow, or should I say calf, for the evening.

 The line was apparently very exciting for Kate.
I guess she was enjoying seeing all the other "cows."

A look at the back of Jonathan's shirt. It was so fun to order a meal then just give them our name rather then money!

Two of the cutest cows there! (Also, look how well Jonathan's face is healing!)

Kate loves her some Chick-Fil-A nuggets!
 I love this little face & giggle!

I say this all the time, but Jonathan & Kate are more than twins, they are clones!

 Mommy & Daddy cow. (By the way, the only day we are ok being referred to as cows! haha)

Me & my little calf!

We just got a new Chick-fil-A here in Lubbock so they still had the cow on the roof from the grand opening. This was VERY exciting for Kate! She kept saying, "I see cow Momma! I see cow! Moooo!"

Some other "cows." See mom, we
weren't the only crazies!

We finished the night with some ice cream! Its dairy so it still ties into our night, right?! :)

So there's some of our adventures that have happened so far this summer! Its been a pretty low key summer so far but we are ok with that. I can't believe July is already almost over & summer is just flying by.

**I apologize for all the weird formatting of the text around the pictures. I keep trying to fix it so that its not so bizarre looking but it won't work.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

5x7 Folded Card

Hero Dad Father's Day 5x7 folded card
Click here to browse Shutterfly's modern graduation invitations.
View the entire collection of cards.
Let's hope Jonathan doesn't look on my blog until after Father's Day! I made this card for him & a similar one for Kate's grandpas. I thought they were so cute & really good priced. These cards really were about the same price as any card you can buy at the store except they are more unique & sentimental. I actually got 5 free with a promo they were running but now cards are just on sale 20% off. Shutterfly has their Father's Day stuff on sale through the weekend. Its all great stuff & really great prices, much less than I thought they would be. I was able to get Jonathan the perfect gift for well under $20...I won't go into much more detail until later just in case he sees this!
Anyway, check out Shutterfly! They really are fabulous over there! (I should really get paid by them for all the advertising I do for them!) Oh, and if you are a blogger & order a card then just allow them to post something like I have above then you get $10 off your next order. So great, right?! (I think if you post it to your facebook you'll get the discount too.)

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Home Sweet Home

We are finally home for good! We got back to Lubbock week before last after slowly making our way back from El Paso. This past weekend we went back there for a follow up appointment and now we are home with no more planned outings in sight & it feels great!
Most of last week was spent catching up on sleep and reaquainting ourselves with the real world again. One of our biggest concerns as we were leaving El Paso was that Kate would be afraid of Jonathan with the staples in his head, nose splint, and scars on his face. However, Kate being the sweet little girl she is just saw her daddy and not all the extra stuff. When she first saw him she gave him a look over and then asked, "Daddy has an ouchie?" I told her that he did and she needs to be careful and she replied, "Ok, its ok Dad." Throughout the week she would go up to him & give him a hug then point out all of his "ouchies" and give them kisses. The pureness of her spirit overwhelms my heart. We've also been blessed with great friends and church family who have been bringing us meals last week and will continue on through this week. Something good that has come from the events of the last month is Jonathan finally decided that he is ready to officially join the church we've been visiting for the last few months. I've been ready for a while but wanted to be sure Jonathan's heart was there too. I know God put us in this church for a reason and I'm glad to accept this blessing from Him.
I must admit that around the middle part of last week I started to get angry about the circumstance we were in and have been in for the past month or so. I'm a planner and I hate when things don't go according to plan. Saying that things since April 23 haven't been going according to plan is an understatement! I was also frustrated that once Gigi's funeral was over I thought we would be going back to normal and then, yet again, our world was turned upside down. I think I was just going through the "why" stage of grief, if such a thing exists. Fortunately, God has given me the wisdom to know to speak to people who are close to me when I start to go crazy. After talking to the people God has blessed me with I got some great advice that has helped me accept the circumstance we are in and move on. I was told that our joy cannot depend on our circumstances. If our joy is guided by life circumstances then you will never be at ease because life is crazy. Joy is from within and comes from God who is with us no matter what life may bring.Our life hasn't been going according to the plans that Jonathan and I made earlier in the Spring but I am trusting that it is going according to the plan God has for us and it is the best plan possible. 
Speaking of God's plan, one thing we have seen that God planned out for us in the perfect time is placing Jonathan in the job he started in the middle of all of this chaos. His office has been above and beyond great with all of the craziness of Gigi's illness, death, and then Jonathan's accident. Jonathan had really only worked in the office 2 and a half days before we left to El Paso for Gigi's funeral which turned in to Jonathan's accident. Even though he had barely worked the staff still treated him as one of their own. We were in contact with them everyday we were in the hospital and they genuinely offered any kind of help they could. Jonathan was feeling terrible thinking he had let them down and that they would be upset but his bosses kept reassuring him that everything was ok and he just needed to focus on getting better. I could go on and on about how grateful we are for everyone at the office but words can't even suffice. It was such a blessing to know that we were going to be taken care of, we had great health insurance to cover all of the medical bills, and that everyone was really understanding of our situation. Jonathan is now back at work and is even more eager to show them how much of a dedicated worker he is. I always knew that he was going to shine but now he has even more drive and excitement for his new job and the company. God has really blessed us by providing this job.
As I mentioned before, this past weekend we went back to El Paso for Jonathan's follow up appointment. He got the staples, which he called his zipper, removed from his head and everything else seems to be healing up well. He was having some issues in his upper arm and we were afraid it might have been a blood clot but after doing different tests we were told it was just a swollen vein. The doctors said it was pretty common to have that problem after being on an IV for so many consecutive days. That problem has now pretty much gone away. We are so grateful for the surgeon that God placed in our path to do Jonathan's procedure. He told me before he did Jonathan's surgery that he was just an instrument for God's use and I agree, he is an outstanding instrument!
Now that we're home for good, at least we hope we are, we're trying to get back in to a normal routine. Some things have still been an adjustment; it was sad the first time we got back home and were calling people to let them know we made it safely but then realizing that Gigi was no longer on that list of people to call. Please keep us in your prayers as we adjust to our "normal" life and as we still try to figure out what our life looks like without Gigi here. Please give prayers of thanksgiving for all the blessings God has given us even in the midst of all the chaos. One last request I have is for prayers for the guy I mentioned in a past post during Jonathan's stay in the hospital. Alex and his girlfriend Lauren went to high school with me; Lauren was actually one of my best friends in elementary school. Alex was in a motorcycle accident the day before Jonathan but he is still unconcious and in ICU. They have 2 kids who are old enough to know what is going on. Pray for healing for Alex and strength and comfort for Lauren and the kids. 
Thank you for all the prayers you have said on our behalf and for all of the words of encouragement you've given us throughout this long and eventful journey. We truly appreciate it.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Surgery Day

Today Jonathan had his surgery to repair the broken bones in his skull and face. Everything went great, couldn't have gone better. We were told that the procedure would last two to two & a half hours; however, it ended up lasting about five and a half. The waiting was agonizing but I just kept telling myself that this whole process is teaching me patience so I tried to be patient.
Going into the surgery, even last night, I had a really great peace about it all. The doctor explained everything in detail and reassured us that this was not a dangerous surgery. I felt confident because I really understood all that they were going to do; however, I also felt confident because I knew that God was in control. Jonathan was still afraid that something might go wrong or that his heart would act up since it has had problems in the past. I just knew that nothing like that was going to happen. God has been speaking to me in different ways in the last few months and weeks so I knew that if He was getting me prepared for certain things and setting up for that then He wouldn't be calling my husband home. (I'll explain this more later- that's another story for a different day) I also give credit to my feelings of peace for the, literally, hundreds of people that I knew were praying for Jonathan and I. For those of you who said a prayer for peace, I truly thank you. Your prayers definitely worked and helped me get through this trying time. Because I had peace I was also able to help put Jonathan a little more at ease last night as we were trying to get some sleep. He was still a little nervous, and understandably so, but it at least helped build his confidence a bit.
The details of the surgery itself are a little confusing unless I explain it all and show pictures. But, basically, where the skull fracture was is on the outermost wall of the skull but there was also one behind the empty sinus cavity in the forehead area and that fracture in the innermost wall, close to the brain, was going to be a last minute decision as to whether or not it needed to be repaired. If it had to be repaired they would have to touch the brain a little and it makes the surgery a little more risky. By the grace of God, they didn't have to do that part of the repair. Once they were in there the fracture wasn't as bad and they saw that it was going to be able to heal on its own. The doctor was also going to have to fix some things in the sinus cavity that I mentioned before; however, when he got in there it also wasn't as bad as expected and he didn't have to do as extensive things as he was planning. The thing made the surgery take longer then planned was fixing the broken bones around the eye. Apparently the bones were in a lot of tiny little pieces so it took a while to put them all back together. The thing they were concerned about going in to the surgery is that once they started to move one of the bones they would all start to move. Fortunately, that didn't happen either. So really everything that could have gone well did go well. I'm so grateful for the doctor and, moreover, for God working through the doctor.
Since the inner skull part of the procedure didn't have to be done Jonathan didn't have to stay in ICU as expected he would. We are now back in his normal room and he is getting a lot of rest...and a lot of morphine! He looks so great. I thought he would have swelling around his eye and be heavily bandaged. His eyes look just like they did before the accident, just a little bruised. The cuts on his face look significantly better. I'm not sure how they are sealed but he doesn't have visible stitches. I know that his head is completely shaved "Mr. Clean" style but right now its covered in head dressings. His nose also has a little splint on it. He just looks so great. He didn't get his "Brad Pitt face transplant" like he joked he was going to do but that's ok, I don't care for Brad much anyway!
We will be here for a few more days depending on how he does, the doctor hopes to get us out of here over the weekend. Please continue to keep us in your prayers for a good, quick, and safe recovery. I feel like we are on our way up now and out of the real danger but I realize that there are still things that could go wrong in the recovery time. I truly, truly thank each and every one of you for your prayers and words of encouragement. God certainly heard each prayer and granted it.
I ask that you also keep another guy, Alex, in your prayers. His girlfriend was a good friend of mine in elementary and high school. He was injured in a motorcycle accident as well at the end of last week. From my knowledge he is still in ICU and has more serious injuries than Jonathan had. They have 2 young children so I'm sure this is difficult for them as a family.

All I can really say after today is Gigi's old saying, "God is good all the time, all the time God is good." Thank you, Gigi, for looking over your son today.