Wow, its been quite a while since my last post! There hasn't been too much going on since my last post but after considering the Spring we had I'm glad to have a bunch of "nothing" going on.
Jonathan is back in full swing at work. He's been traveling off and on doing audits. To me it sounds like a lot of boring madness but to him its fun & he's loving it. He is still healing up nicely. We are so fortunate to not have run into any bumps in the road during the recovery from his accident. His hair is growing back & this week he was even able to start fixing it a little!
Kate & I have gotten into our own little routine for the summer. Tuesdays we go to a play group at church, Wednesdays we go to story time at Barnes & Noble, and all the other days of the week we find something to do or friends to hang out with. We spent some time in Odessa with my parents while Jonathan traveled for work. Kate loved getting spoiled by her grandparents and causing mischief with her cousin/pal, Mikey. My parents have a new addition to their house just for the grandkids- a swimming pool! The kids love splashing around and swimming until they are worn out.
This was while the pool was still being filled. The kids got to get in & run around. They also thought it was hilarious to run & splash Grammy with the freezing water!![]()
Post swimming activity: eating ice cream!
Our July 4th weekend was a lot of fun. We met up with a bunch of Jonathan's family and some friends in Odessa and had a mini-reunion. It was nice for that side of the family to get together and just have fun after all the madness of the Spring and early Summer. We also had just found out that Jonathan's little sister, Jennifer is pregnant! It looks like the Phillips family will be growing in February. :)
Here's a few pictures from our weekend:
I guess her daddy makes a better floatation device than her vest. :)
Kate loves her cousin, Kohl.
When you have 19 people in a pool you know you are having fun!
Lots of jumping going on....and a little relaxing.
Apparently both of Kate's parents make
good floatation devices.
Nicole & her girls; both on the left & right. I love my sister in laws! They are really more than family, they are some of my closest friends!
After all the fun we had July 4th Weekend we had to continue on with the fun back home. I heard that Chick-fil-a was hosting National Cow Appreciation Day at all of their locations; basically if you dress up like a cow you get a free meal! Since its one of mine & Kate's favorite places I figured we might as well take them up on the free food & have some fun while we are at it! Kate really liked the idea of dressing up like a cow; however, Jonathan wasn't so easily convinced. I'm pretty sure he thought I had lost my mind when I told him we were all gonna dress up like cows & go eat dinner. I was having a hard time convincing him to take part in the fun so I used my secret weapon: Kate. She looked at him & said, "Daddy dress up like a cow? Peeeeeeease?!" And that was it! He was in & my cow costume making was on!
The afternoon of Cow Appreciation Day I put Kate down for her nap and started painting old t-shirts with cow print & printed off some cow ears. All day long Kate was talking about dressing like a cow and saying Mooo! She was super excited when she woke up and there was cow clothes all over the living room floor. Once Jonathan got home he joined in our fun, even though I think he still thought we were a little crazy, and we headed off to Chick-fil-A!
When we got to the restaurant Jonathan & I both started panicking a little because we couldn't see anyone else in cow attire. Everyone walking out of the restaurant was in normal clothes & we started to think we were about to look like a family of crazies. We decided we'd just go in & bear it & enjoy our free food either way. Much to our relief, as soon as we opened the door there were lots of "herds" of cows all around & we fit right in! It was fun, and a little odd, to walk up to the counter & order food for our whole family and not have to pay a thing! We really had a lot of fun & I think Kate enjoyed being a little cow, or should I say calf, for the evening.
The line was apparently very exciting for Kate.
I guess she was enjoying seeing all the other "cows."

A look at the back of Jonathan's shirt. It was so fun to order a meal then just give them our name rather then money!
Two of the cutest cows there! (Also, look how well Jonathan's face is healing!)

I say this all the time, but Jonathan & Kate are more than twins, they are clones!
Mommy & Daddy cow.
(By the way, the only day we are ok being referred to as cows! haha)
Me & my little calf!

Some other "cows." See mom, we
weren't the only crazies!
We finished the night with some ice cream! Its dairy so it still ties into our night, right?! :)
So there's some of our adventures that have happened so far this summer! Its been a pretty low key summer so far but we are ok with that. I can't believe July is already almost over & summer is just flying by.
**I apologize for all the weird formatting of the text around the pictures. I keep trying to fix it so that its not so bizarre looking but it won't work.
I guess she was enjoying seeing all the other "cows."
A look at the back of Jonathan's shirt. It was so fun to order a meal then just give them our name rather then money!
Two of the cutest cows there! (Also, look how well Jonathan's face is healing!)
Kate loves her some Chick-Fil-A nuggets!
I love this little face & giggle!I say this all the time, but Jonathan & Kate are more than twins, they are clones!
Mommy & Daddy cow.
Me & my little calf!
We just got a new Chick-fil-A here in Lubbock so they still had the cow on the roof from the grand opening. This was VERY exciting for Kate! She kept saying, "I see cow Momma! I see cow! Moooo!"
Some other "cows." See mom, we
weren't the only crazies!
We finished the night with some ice cream! Its dairy so it still ties into our night, right?! :)
So there's some of our adventures that have happened so far this summer! Its been a pretty low key summer so far but we are ok with that. I can't believe July is already almost over & summer is just flying by.
**I apologize for all the weird formatting of the text around the pictures. I keep trying to fix it so that its not so bizarre looking but it won't work.
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