Later that day Jonathan called me & told me one of his best friends, Ben, had been in a skiing accident and broke his neck and femur. I was in shock for a while and it took some time to realize the severity of it all. I initially thought he'd be in the hospital for a few weeks but then would be back in Lubbock and back at Tech. Sadly, we've now found out that is far from what the reality of it is. He will likely be in hospitals for the next two and a half years.
Ben is more like family than a friend. The summer I was pregnant with Kate he actually lived with Jonathan and I in Plainview. We spent a lot of time together and also got to know his family. They are all great, great people. His mom is so loving and kind, his dad is cool and easy to talk to, his sister is a sweet girl and they are all such a close-knit family. They love the Lord and appreciate all that they are given. Every time his parents come to visit their kids they also stop by our house to say hi and visit Kate.
When I first heard the news I got in contact with Ben's mom and my heart broke when I heard her voice. I wished I could reach through the phone and give her a hug. As a mom, I understand the connection you have to your child but I could only imagine her pain. I thought back to my moment in the park and all the crazy thoughts that had run through my mind and I couldn't even begin to imagine all that must have been running through her mind. I could barely understand her words through the tears and I had to fight back my own tears. I can't imagine how it must feel to not be sure if your child will survive the next few hours and to also know that no matter what happens your life, as well as his, is forever changed.
That first night was scary. Jonathan was hurting for his friend and trying to think of what he could do to help. He hurt as he began realizing that his friend's life was changed. We both stayed up late that night waiting to hear the results from the first surgery. I kept thinking about his parents and how they must be hurting for their son. I also thought of the family as a whole. Every time I hear of a crazy accident that shakes up a family I think about the night my Papa Chuy had his accident and how our world was turned upside down in a matter of minutes. The pain, shock, confusion, and unknown of what is to come is completely overwhelming and devastating.
In the days since the accident Ben has had some progress. At first he couldn't feel anything below his neck but he has now regained some movement in his arms. His spinal cord is still intact so that gives hope for a better recovery. The vertebrae that he broke has been replaced by a metal rod, he has been concious most of the weekend where the doctors initially thought he'd be out the first few days. He is breathing on his own and doesn't have any brain damage. Most of all, Ben seems to be at peace for the most part. He knows that God has a plan and that he will be taken care of. I've always known Ben to be a person with a great attitude so I know that he will be strong throughout his recovery. The doctors are saying there is little chance that he will ever walk again; however, considering all that has happened and how much worse this could have been, I know that God is working in this situation and He will continue to bless Ben.
After all of this I just keep thinking about how many blessings I take for granted. I keep thinking about Ben's mom and her pain. I think about how badly she must be wanting to pick up her baby boy, hold him, and give him a hug. I need to cherish the moments I have when I hold my baby girl. I find myself hugging Kate a little more than usual these days because I just can't imagine not being able to even hug her. I think about how much we take our ability to walk for granted. It is something that is so natural to us but its something that can be taken away in an instant. I think about how blessed I am to have a partner in life to always be by my side. I'm blessed by good health and the health and protection of my family. I'm blessed that I was able to finish college. Most of all, I am blessed to know that I have a Father who brings me all these blessings, comforts, and protections.
Jonathan and Ben were supposed to play at a cofee shop in Plainview this coming Saturday. Jonathan and I decided that rather than cancelling it, we should use it as an opportunity to help Ben and his family. We are in the middle of getting things together that we will take to Ben at the hospital in a few weeks and we are trying to raise as much money as we can for the family. This is going to be a long process and the medical bills are going to be completely overwhelming. His parents will eventually have to go back to work so making the 2-3 hour drive from their home to Denver, where he is, will get expensive fairly quickly. We hope that this fundraiser will be the first of many more to come, we want to do as much as we can for this family.
If you read this, please pray and continue to pray for Ben and his family. Please pray that we can raise money to help the family throughout his recovery. Lastly, remember to count your blessings and give praise to He that gives them for at any second your life could be forever changed.
*I've added some pictures so you can see the faces you are praying for. There is also a copy of the poster we've made for the Benefit for this Saturday.